Software quality assurance (SQA) systems are vital for software
developers in the software and the electronics industries as well as for
information systems divisions in organizations. This book, based on
many years of consulting and teaching experience, is designed to serve
three audiences: students at universities and colleges, participants in
vocational training courses in the industry and
practitioners/professionals. Each chapter will conclude with commonly
raised questions, problems, short case studies, and topics for
discussion. The methodology to be presented in the book conforms with
the requirements of ISO 9000 standards (ISO 9001 Quality Management and
Quality Assurance Standard and of ISO 9000-3 Guidelines for the
Application of ISO 9001 to the Development, Supply, Installation and
Maintenance of Computer Software). The topics that will be covered will
conform with the requirements of most vocational training programs
(e.g.. the American Society for Quality's training program for Certified
Software Quality Engineers). The book is designed to include in its
appendices a collection of useful templates and checklists containing
items of great interest to practitioners and students, and is
accompanied by an Instructor's Solutions Manual and PowerPoint Slides.
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